When to Replace High Intensity Discharge Light Bulbs
What is a High Intensity Discharge (HID) Light: High Intensity Discharge is an overarching term for a gas-discharge light. They are the oldest type of electrical light Among the common types of HID lights are mercury vapor, low and high pressure sodium and metal halide lamps. Other less common variants include ceramic metal halide and xenon short-arc lamps. HID lamps produce light by sending an electrical charge or "arc" between two tungsten electrical conductors (electrodes) and through an ionized gas (also known as "plasma") which is housed inside the bulb. HID lights require ignition which is typically provided by a voltage pulse or a third electrode (an additional metal part) internal to the bulb. Once lit the electrical arc begins to evaporate the metal salts inside the bulb which significantly increases the luminous power of the bulb while simultaneously improving lighting efficiency. HID lighting requires a "warm-up" period because the lighting ...